WetKids Events!
The WetKids explore the wetlands twice a month after school, enjoy Weekend Family Events 4 times a year, and share a week at the WetKids Summer Academy.

The WetKids travel a mile or two from their schools to the Gulf Coast beaches where they throw casts nets, seines, and do water quality testing.

Students and their families visite the Sandhill Crane Refuge. WetKids learn about carnivorous plants in the Wet Pine Savannah, controlled burns in the wetlands, and the rescue, feeding, and protection of the Sandhill Cranes.

The WetKids travel to the Dauphin Island Sea Lab. They learned about watersheds, human water usage, pollution sources, marine life, marshes, and the amazing research projects happening at the lab.

NOAA scientists from the Pascagoula Fisheries Laboratory lead the WetKids through a shark dissection and even open up their stomachs to find out what they had for lunch!

Mr. Christopher Brown a Naval Architect at the Northrop Grumman Corporation in Pascagoula provides an inside tours of the Grumman ship building facilities. WetKids learn about the process of how ships are built from raw steel plates to launching.

The McCoy Brothers provide boat rides along the Pascagoula River from the Audubon Center in Moss Point. Students learn how to use binoculars to spot the Bald Eagles, Egrets, and Red Winged Blackbirds.